Mahalo Inspiring Peeps,

I love sticky notes! Different colors, sizes float my boat. One day last year I left out a sticky note that said “Thank you” to our dog walkers. When I returned home I moved the note it to a different place on my counter. I was feeling a little lazy that day and walking the extra steps to the recycling bin felt like too much work😜  The note still sits on the counter. Everyday I notice it. Every day when I read the note my mood improves. That simple note sends a powerful message every time I read it. For some reason it makes me feel better when I see it. I do not know why, I do know it helps.

Gratitude and appreciation are valued, powerful foundations of character, integrity, our spirit and soul.  Research globally shows that gratitude is connected to being happier, improving the ability to deal with adversity, can improve your health and your mood. A simple “attitude of gratitude” despite whatever is going on in your life, benefits your body, spirit, and soul even in the most challenging, stressful situations.

On Friday my family and I went to cook dinner for families staying at the Ronald McDonald house. It was my birthday and that is how I wanted to spend it. As we were finishing up our meal of meatloaf, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, watermelon, and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies some of the families staying there were returning for dinner. We were runny a little late on our meal prep thinking the meatloaf was cooked enough. It was. My vegetarian self did not know how to properly use the meat thermometer😜 Every individual coming to eat were so kind and thoughtful in their gratitude. You could see the stress and sorrow in their faces as their child is really sick. Despite that they made effort to come and seek us out to thank us. After as we went to get burgers (veggie for me), fries, milkshakes and play some videos games we were all touched by the grace of the families.

Do you practice gratitude, thanks for the people, places, things in your life? After spending time with friends and family are there occasions where you thank them and show appreciation just because? When you are taking in meal or snack at there times you  express, even silently, gratitude?

Thank you and gratitude are free, unlimited, easy to use, and everyone can do it. You can never run out and they are always available. If you are not going around with an attitude of thanks, gratitude, my challenge is to begin. Every morning and every night think about three things you are thankful for. If you want keep a gratitude journal. I keep one as I like looking back and reflecting upon the kindnesses people have bestowed upon me. Surprise people with thanks without occasion or event.  Do it just because. You can begin a ripple of good with a simple thank you❤️ You have the ability, influence, and power to be a positive agent of change for others.

Thank you needs to be applied to you too! Yes it is valuable and important to be grateful and thankful for everything that surrounds us. It is also valuable and important to be grateful and thankful for ourselves. For what we bring to this world. You are the only you that every was and ever will be. So somewhere that you will see it, put a note that says thank you. Yep somewhere where you see it put a thank you note. It could be a sticky note like mine, on your phone, fridge, countertop, bathroom mirror, wherever you want it to be that you will see it everyday. You are deserving and worthy of being thanked💜

David Steindl-Rast does an beautiful job of talking about happiness and gratitude. It’s fifteen minutes of awesomesauce🎉

Thank you for taking your time to read this. It truly means a lot to me💗 Thank you for the special unique gifts and talents you bring to this world⭐️