Have you ever been driving along and saw a road that peeked your interest and decided to take it? And what if you took it NOT using google maps, trusting that you would have enough gas and would find your way back home. You would be traveling an unknown path filled with exploration and mysterious adventures. Sometimes life throws us into a detour due to highway closures and road work we are forced to go a different route facing an unknown way of travel. Unknown paths with unknown sights.

Today seems like a good day to look at unknown.

If you think about it most days are filled with unknown. Our routines and schedules have a predictable pattern of what we are doing and when we are doing it. In reality as much as we have “planned” our day there are so many situations that could change in the blink of an eye. You could spill coffee on your clothes, miss your bus, car have a flat tire, leave your lunch at home, ect, ect, ect.

For the most part these “unknowns” can rattle us a little, yet we recoup fairly quickly, problem solve, and bounce back in stellar form. Have you ever had a moment where something happened and you were “oh no” yet what happened after was an amazing event you were so glad your debacle happened? My perspective on life is that the Universe is conspiring in our favor and only wants good for us. That some events that occur are the Universe’s way of helping us out!

Have you even had times where you have wanted to take a new path? It could be that you want to explore and see some news things. Maybe it is because you need change in your life.  Perhaps your internal intuition and gut is telling you to do something or that you are being “called” to do something. Talk about unknowns!

Today I am off for an unknown for me. This unknown is doing something I do not like doing, feel uncomfortable doing, yet I am going. At this point you are probably thinking why is she doing this, just say no. Could I say no? Yep as I am a very good sayer of the word no. Yet my gut, intuition is telling me I HAVE TO GO, so I am. I decided to say yes to an opportunity.

By now I am probably making you crazy with whatever it is😱. I have a booth at a health fair where I am beginning a new adventure into a new occupation of personal champion coaching, public speaking and additional potential and possibilities.  I am a person who prefers to do things behind the scenes. I do not like to put myself out there. Like Shonda Rhimes this is my year of saying yes. While there is some mild discomfort for this new venture I am calm and excited. I do not have a clue what today will bring. I do know it feels right doing it.

So next time life presents you an opportunity of an unknown (either by choice or by forced choice) perhaps you could look at it as the Universe is conspiring in your favor. Perhaps some amazing experience will occur. Sometimes in life we need to get out of the rut of our routes to get some positive change in who we are and what we want to be doing. Change is change. Little changes can begin an energy flow that helps us feel better about us and how we want to be living our life.

“Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost” Erol Ozan

You matter. You truly are a one of a kind original. Be kind, good, and wonderful to yourself. If you are feeling like you are in rut take a new route. You never know where it will lead!

UPDATE: As I write this I am not hawking my wares at the health fair. I am completely sick. The past few days I have been feeling under the weather. Today the combination of any food in my belly, bad headache, and chills did not equal good things for my body. As much as I was trying to power through it was not going to happen. My body said NO! So another day at another time I will go put myself out there. I could have been completely upset about today. Instead I know that there will be other opportunities as there always are. Something good will come out of today including a healthier me! Back to sleep😴  Take care champion humans❤️