Kindness Champions Spotlight: Costumes for Courage

How Kindness Changed My Life

People Doing Good

Latest Blog Post: We Are The Change We Seek

Postcard Project

kindness - be kind

You Are Needed 🤍

Everyone has a Kindness Champion within them. Every single action of kindness makes a difference. Your kindness to others around you matters. It could be returning someone’s cart at the grocery store,  buying the person behind you a cup of coffee, holding the door for someone, giving a smile or a hello to people you come in contact with. You never know the difference your act of kindness and compassion will make to another person.

Need Some Laughter?

Laughter is good for the body, spirit, and soul. This article by in February 2020 gives the science to back up why laughter is great medicine. 😂

laughinh donkey

Warm Fuzzies 💞

Imagine a world where we always lent a helping hand to anyone in need. It could be a kind word, a helpful gesture, or if you are financially able to help in a monetary way. Reflect upon the times in your life someone has been kind to you. It feels really, really good. You hold the power and influence to shape the word around you. Your kindness and compassion creates a ripple of good and warm fuzzies in the world so put it out there. A bridge can be built in a day, a kind act can make a difference. The world needs your distinctive kindness so share it. ❤️